August 14, 2006

Ideology rules for the outgoing Alberta premier

Editorial appeared in Fort McMurray Today Aug. 9, 2006.

Ralph Klein is raising a lot of questions in the run-up to his resignation. Foremost on the minds of Albertans: how did he get elected in the first place?

Last week, he questioned the right of environmental groups to examine industry for compliance with the government's own regulations.

"The Pembina Institute should keep their noses out of anyone's business, especially businesses that want to take risks.

"To have a long-range plan (to govern oilsands development) would be an interventionist kind of policy which says you either allow them or you don't allow them (to proceed). The last thing we want to be is an interventionist government."

That kind of broad statement, seemingly made in ignorance of the huge number of rules already in place to limit what industry does, all to protect people and the environment -- loses track of why government is there in the first place.

Do we want to be a society where citizens cannot question the wisdom of decisions of those who govern us? It sounds like Klein would rather be a dictator instead of an elected servant of the people.

Ralph Klein has taken non-intervention to new highs -- or lows. With the government's ideological determination not to intervene in the rental market, McMurrayites have been hammered again and again with huge increases. Even the local Progressive Conservative MLA's backing of rent controls for this region did not influence Klein.

The Alberta leader is blind to anything but his own direction on this.

All we can do is hope his successor isn't as blinded by ideology as Ralph Klein.

Extreme measures must be considered to deal with extreme circumstances, like those being experienced here right now.

Never say never.

© Copyright 2006, Fort McMurray Today.


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